Monday 20 January 2014

The Forgotten Hero of Pakistan

There are certain heroes  from our land, who have been wiped out from our history for some reason.  Some are not there in our history books because they don’t belong to our religion (i.e. Islam) but despite that there are many other personalities, who have been wiped out from history even though they were Muslims. But here is a person who fought for the freedom of people of all religions, sacrificed his life for the cause and had a great contribution in the Freedom of India but still we’ve never read about him in any of our books.  He was a young student, who was born in what’s known as Pakistan today, received most of his education in Lahore.  Fought for the people of India regardless of what faith or race they belonged to and sacrifices his life for that. The British in Lahore executed him and  he was cremated  in Lahore as well. But the question here is, Who is this man?  Because weren’t taught about any such person in our history books.  His name is Sardar Bhagat Singh (Shaheed).  He was more Pakistani than any of us. He Loved Urdu poetry and was a great supporter of harmony amongst all faiths of India; Something that is needed in today’s time where religious tolerance is almost zero. And it is because of absence of such heroes in our history books that we don’t see examples of such heroes in our country and tolerance, towards other faiths, is gone. His love for Ghalib was more than any of us today. He was not only brave to fight with the British but also well studied and a man with great ambitions. He till his death, didn’t compromise on his moral and values. A few days before his execution, his father filed an application for his forgiveness, to which Bhagat responded with great anger and his words were.

Let me say, father, you have failed. I know you are as sincere a patriot as one can be. I know you have devoted your life to the cause of Indian independence, but why, at this moment, have you displayed such a weakness? I cannot understand.”

He died when he was only 23, youngsters of his age can only imagine dying because of skype and whatsapp ban.

One can only imagine having the courage and strength like Bhagat Singh but that argument does not need your attention. What we need to think and question is the fact why aren’t we taught about such heroes in our books.?

With this food for thought, I'd end my first post. If it offends you, please go read about him before commenting. 

Best Regards,