Wednesday 22 February 2017

Exercise III: Downtown Ames a Text

Walking towards the south of Design on Main, Downtown Ames, IA was a very interesting Road. Having the Architecture and the busy streets, Main Street is a place that is always busy and have always people and cars there but when go towards past the rail tracks, and go on the other side of Lincolnway, It's a complete different story. 

The streets are less populates because its a residential part of Ames. Streets were more open and houses had bigger yards and a lot more open space. A normal guess would be that these are more expensive reasons being that they are close to downtown but since Ames is a smaller town, its not the case. The neighbourhood close to downtown is relatively cheaper as compared to properties that are far from the city. 

Following are some of the pictures of Downtown that I took while walking towards Lincolnway. 
Parking behind Mains St. 

The Railtrack

 The residential area past Lincolnway. Seemingly open and less traffic/Cars on the streets. 

Monday 20 February 2017

Visual Essay (Media: Fine Art, Photography)

The Art piece that i have is by a Pakistani Artist called Sabir Nazar, who is a political cartoonist and his work is mostly on the politics of pakistan. 
Below is this art piece that he did in 2008 as a result of the assasination of the Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto. The lady in the centre is Benazir Bhutto and around you see people laying dead and some people marching with her. 

Dead bodies of people (possibly the citizens or workers of the political party)
Here we see an image of a man and who looks like to be holding some sort of hammer or something in his hand, and by his hat and clothes, one can clearly assume that he is a worker or from the working class.
In this photo, you can clearly see a group of men, wearing clothes that are significantly different from the rest of the group. Different in terms of colour and the attire.

The hats and the turban tell us that the men are from the province of Sindh (traditional Sindhi hat) and the Balochistan (the white turban).

The flag here looks like the flag of Libya, but its not. It is the flag of the Pakistan's Peoples' Party (Party of Benazir Bhutto).

Here you see the artist writing his signature to tell that this is his work.
Comparison of Sabir Nazar.s Piece with the original piece that has Lady Liberty in it. 

Just like how a woman figure also known as the Goddess of Liberty lead the war during the French Revolution, Benazir Bhutto also lead the Political Movement in Pakistan to impeach a military dictator Pervez Mushraff which later caused her death as a result of a suicide attack. 

A male-dominated society, where women lead are often seen as a bad role model and similarly in PK, the right wing did not like that. So the artist is trying to compare Benazir with the Goddess of Liberty to show how a woman lead from the front in the times of war and can be more powerful and braver than a lot of men.

Exercise II: Facebook Feed

I have friends from all over the world and majority of the that I have are very well aware of the political scene and they like to share their comments and thoughts about politics and other walks of life. So majority of the things that I see on my TL are about either world politics or US political situation.

First level: What is being shown?
Second Level: What does it mean?

First level A Post about Neo-Nazi Haircut.

Second Level:  The hot topic these days is ALT Right and how Nazism is on the rise, People who share those opinions are often seen having Co-opted haircut and this post shows the frustration of a guy who likes the haircut but doesnt share the ideology. 

 2. GIF: Challenge to catch the Challenger 

First Level: Image of a car
Second Level: It doesnt mean anything. It is just a gif of a car moving and the purpose is to make sure that you pause it when the car is in the white outline.

3. Post about Minnesota

First Level: A post about Minnesota! 
Second Level: Talking about the perks of living in the midwest and how midwest is changing slowly and becoming the best place to live in the US.