Monday 15 February 2016

Ugly Funny

We as human beings have evolved as species but the evolution of our minds is yet to happen, specially when it comes to coexisting. Time after time we have failed ourselves as human beings as we fought each other over issues which eventually didn't profit any of us. Sometimes its called the war of civilizations, religions or war of two different forms of governments. We have gone on war and its the human race that suffers in the end. War can bring peace but sometimes we have a huge price to pay for it. The echoes of sufferings and wounds are sometimes so loud that they haunt not only the present generation but the generations to come too. 

From Japan, to Vietnam or the Middle East, the images and thoughts of war will never remind not only the people of those regions but the rest of us too that we probably are the only species on the planet who kills the other for political reasons.

The idea of the project is to add satire and humor to the images of the famous political leader of past and present who in one way or the other brought war upon us and were responsible for the suffering and have some sort of contribution to the war history.

I have used images of leaders like Hitler, Churchill, Trump etc and have added words like Pizza, War, Deadpool to add a flavor of satire to it. Since its the first but at the same time, i want to leave it to the people to take out whatever meaning they want from it. I am still not sure about how it will turn out to be, i was to keep it open source and let others (anyone who visits the link) be able to add images and words. 

The initial idea was to make it artistic using CSS only. I wanted to have a box on eyes of the subject and with words written inside the box. So basically using CSS to do what we do on Photoshop. As i explore more the CSS, i find out different ways of doing it. May be if i adjust the source images in a way that all of the images have the same placement of the subject eyes and then lock the box and text at a certain point. 

The whole idea of it is to use CSS as a form of protest and expression about history and comment on it. 

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