Thursday 19 January 2017

Reading #1: New Nature of Maps

(the aim of the blog is to post a reflection of a reading and what i gathered from it. Opinions are my own and you can disagree with it)

Map interpretation usually implies a search for geographical features. It does not convey though, how a manipulated form of knowledge over the course of history has helped shape those features. So how can we make maps speak about the worlds of the past as it was, this article explores.
The main crux of this article dictates that there are three main points that specify the ideological contours of the maps :
 1.Viewing maps as a kind of language .
2. A map can carry in its image such symbolism as associated with particular area.
3. Third aspect is about sociology of knowledge, meaning map knowledge is a social product as mentioned before.
Cartography can be a form of knowledge and a power as well .Historian paints the colors of the past in its own light. Iconological study is only through context, context here can be defined as the circumstances in which maps were made. Such details only can tell us about real motives behind it.
For instance in Islamic world, Caliphs ,Ottoman empire and Mughal emperors in India were known to patronize map making and use maps to their own particular advantages be it military, social or religious .
In ancient China, maps were used according to the policies of rulers . In early modern Europe, from Italy to Netherlands and from Scandinavia to Portugal ,it was practiced almost everywhere.
Structure usually favored social elites .As much as guns and warships, maps have been the weapon of imperialism. Through content n it's representation, making and using of maps has been influenced by ideology yet it can only be right fully understood in specific historical situations.

In conclusion, ‘History is written by the victors' by Winston Churchill explains it all. Map making was always done to glorify social elites and to pacify the military religious or social propaganda of rulers of those areas and times.

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