Thursday 23 March 2017

Reading Set #5 Visual Culture


The medium of film goes beyond the photography and its ‘frozen’ reality. It is free from the constraints of time and space. Film is a very new thing for something which has been existing since prehistoric times, the art of storytelling. Novels, plays and theatre differ from the film by its ability to tell a story. In theatre we watch from a fixed space and the real thing is being acted on the stage at that time, for novels the limit of time is finished.

In earliest times, film was a rare and new thing and they were shown in cafes, musical halls and theatres as purpose built cinemas weren’t available. Films were also very short n simple. Today it is still considered an attraction to go to IMAX where screen is enormous with swooping camera effects and special spectacles to help create the effect to create a fulfilling experience. It is the cinematic experience rather than the quality of films that are the main attraction.
Just as verbal literacy exists for grammar of verbal communication there exists a visual literacy when films are considered. Most films grammar consists of shot and edit.
The novelty of moving pictures was not enough alone to last public interests in cinema. Once the reality of it became clear and believable, it started to wear off and the educational and informative experience along with the quality of film needed to improve to regain the attention of audience.
If we fail to notice the difference between the real-life time and space behind the director’s work than the professional motive has been accomplished. If editing is deftly performed in the naturalistic cinema, then we should hardly be aware of the conventions of the cinema should strike as the most natural thing in the world. This is the feature of the classic, Hollywood classics which wants to persuade us not that we are watching a technically manufactured artifice but that we are witness to actual events. The events that we do witness are rarely actual at all.
Typography is a narrative device that needs to be mentioned here also. Most commonly nowadays we see this used for the open or closing of the film to let us now who is in is used in a caption for example as London when the shot of Trafalgar square comes.
Stanley Kubrick was one of the most meticulous and accomplished filmmakers of twentieth century.
His main work has been Spartacus (1960), Full metal jacket (1987) and eyes wide shut (1999). The shining (1980) Is loosely based on a horror story. Horror is not always one of the screen’s most prestigious/successful genres. The opening 10 minutes of the shining provide an extremely valuable example of contemporary cinematic narrative. The opening shot is a slow, sweeping helicopter over a mountain lake, a small island comes into prominence as the camera sweeps low and banks of the dissolves into shot 2. the shot has an elliptical edit that has signaled the passage of time and space between the shot to show the journey of several hours’ duration and several hundred miles in distance. The transition is time and space was indication fairly by the dissolve.
Film history has already established itself as a respectable field of study. In general, it follows the narrative, chronological approach of art history while permitting additional focus on particular films, directors, actors and is an approach to see how a particular text fits within the story of the film as it is used for the considerations of the context and beloved by the art historians.
Does film just represent time or actually create it?
The film has the ability to communicate what other media usually doesn’t. Time is also the central concern in the very particular views about cinema. ‘Modern’ is used to classify the kind of cinema capable of generating a particular concept of time. The history of cinema is divided into 2 parts, classic and modern periods. During the classic period time is measured through movement and actions. Time in these kinds of images is subordinated through space which means that the sense of time in classical image movement cinema is experienced in an indirect way.


The differences between the world as depicted on TV and the world that we actually inhabit.
Popular television may not showcase the very best in contemporary culture, in sheer quality it is hard pushed to rival poetry, the opera, the art gallery or the symphony hall.
Television is after much more realistic than film because that is the medium for which down to earth everyday drama is most commonly produced. Soap opera is one of the things that is specifically made for takes its name from the fact that this form of open ended serial drama was devised as a vehicle for the advertisement of domestic products to the mainly female viewer who were thought to constitute of the main audience at day time. Some soaps are more realistic than the others but usually feature the glamorous lives of wealthy and accomplished people. British and Australians on the other hand aim to be more recognizable to their audiences.
The text then goes on about discussing the various soaps and their plots and how it has evolved with the time and American soaps has showcased the various sections of its societies in a very engaging, humorous and satirical way. Desperate housewives and how it shows these bored housewives in an upbeat white neighborhood and their gossips and subsequent issues, Devious maids is something targets the Hispanics where as fresh off the boat celebrates the diversity of what America has come to be and portrays the survival of a Chinese family here while trying to keep its traditions alive and so on and so forth.

TV is a much new medium and there is not much text available for it and given the commercial aspect of TV, it is regarded as a medium not suitable for serious study.

Visual culture (New Media)

Despite the nature of its ever changing and evolving, there remains an incredible amount of talk about all the communications and the media revolutions through which we are all supposed to be going. The hyperbole seems to increase on a daily basis. If we were to believe everything we have read and heard, then the future would be unrecognizable in reality however we suspect that it won’t be.
The phrase new media is widely used and emphatically embraced we need to remember what is actually meant by the word media. These are not new forms of communication but increasingly convenient and consumer friendly hardware systems which deliver similar texts without altering their content, meaning or message.
We can see how changing technology has both affected and yet failed to revolutionize music. The earliest records were available only on vinyl, playable at 78 revolution/ early 1980s digitals dis was introduced,1990s saw the introduction of the mini disc and by the second date of the 20t century mp3 and computer downloading again has changed the way people listened to music. Although delivery has changed it hasn’t changed the face of music itself. The text in each case has remained exactly the same, the way of acquiring or purchasing the music in these cases has changed only.
Some extreme forms of manipulation can be used to change an image like adding a filter to making the day sky darker and giving the illusion of night, this is not to mislead the viewer but to demonstrate the creativity and skill. The increased variety of delivery systems for visual texts is no more amply demonstrated than it is with the moving image .in terms of viewing experience Tv and film differ and going to the cinema and watching a film with all other people is different than watching TV alone or with a small group that you know at home and it offers different feels to its viewers, again the experience is different but if the same movie is seen at home than the text is the same.
A computer screen is a square screen with a visual world that exists within the physical world of the viewer without blocking the virtual world that exists within. not all new media experiences use the screen such as the virtual reality devices with the head gear the simulations go back further than the simple exhibition of screens.

The notion that the kind of closed interactivity promoted by computer technology corresponds to an externalization of the mind has serious social and political implications.

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