Saturday 1 April 2017

Exercise IV : Class Exercise Based on Reading Set 7

For this exercise we were required to have read the reading set 7 and discuss with our group and share the topics that we plan to explore or investigate along those lines.

The introduction of 'Handbook of Visual analysis' talks about methods and wireframes of how there are different ways to interpret visuals and take out meaning from it. The book also emphasises on the fact that these methods are not always required to be taken in consideration while analysing a visual.

Sometimes the analysis can be done without the methods defined in the book. The methods/categories defined the book vary from how different groups are portrayed in the media including journalism, to analysing historical art pieces using the techniques and tips given by the art historians.  To the chapter that talks about understanding how different things can have completely different meanings in various cultures.

My first topic was to investigate how certain groups are always shown to some sort of role in the mainstream media. for example, a Chinese guy si always shown as someone who is either good with maths or is a kung fu fighter.

My second topic was to find out about how different colors, shapes and things can have different meanings in different cultures. For example, calling someone an Owl is considered an insult in Indian/Pakistani culture but in the western culture, an owl represents wisdom.

The third topic was how advertising have shifted the tone towards smoking. From something that was vastly celebrated and acknowledged as manly to something that's not good for your health. (Eg The Marlboro man)

The topic that I decided to go for was the first one. I am gonna investigate how the tone and attitude towards a certain community forms an opinion and perception about certain communities. 

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